|  | S312A is a Modbus digital indicator with universal input in voltage, current, thermocouples, thermoresistors (2, 3, or 4 wire measurements), and potentiometers. The instrument allows programmable retransmission of the measured instantaneous value by the isolated analog output (voltage or active/passive current). S312A is provided with programmable filters at 20 levels to stabalize readings. Four alarms are available on the instantaneous input value (alarm type: maximum, minimum, automatically resettable or not). Alarm status is visible through four leds on the front panel.
Power Supply: Max Consumption: Number of Channels: Galvanic Isolation: Transducers Power Supply: Programming: Dimensions (WxHxD): Operating Temperature: Connections: Approvals: Display: Status Indicators: Front Buttons: Errors on Display: Accuracy: Stability: Linearity:
Cold Junction:
| 80-265 VAC; 10-40 VDC / 19-28 VAC 3 W 1 Input 1.5 kVAC, 2 ways Max 18 V, 25 mA Through Easy-S312A Software 96 x 48 x 88.5 mm -10 to +60 °C Screw Clamps (EN 60175) CE, EN 61000-6-4/2002, EN 61000-6-2/2005, EN 61010-1/2001 4 LED Figures 4 Alarms LED on Threshold Three buttons for navigation and configuration also Alarm, fault sensor 0.1% 0.01%/K 0.2°C (Pt100) 0.5°C (TC J, K, E, T, N) 1°C (TC R, S) 2°C (TC B) 0.05% (0-10 V, 0-20 mA) ±1.5°C
Channels: Potentiometer: Thermocouple: RTD: Voltage: Current:
| 1 1 KΩ - 100 KΩ Type J, K, R, S, T, B, E, N Type PT100 with 2, 3, 4 wire connections, Excitation current 1.1 mA 0-10 V, Input impedance 100 KΩ 0-20 mA, Input impedance 20 Ω
| 1 CH 0/4-20 mA (500Ω load resistance), 0-10 V (1KΩ load resistance) 4 Relays 5 A, 250 VAC RS485 Modbus RTU Interface